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Preorder the NES Poly Chiptune Synth

The Kickstarter campaign for the NES Poly Chiptune Synth has ended, but you can still preorder the synth. Please note that preorders will ship after all the Kickstarter reward synths have been fulfilled. If you would like to be contacted when the NES Poly Chiptune Synthesizer is back in stock, just send an email to chiptunesynth {at} gmail {dot} com.

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NES Poly Kickstarter Campaign

The Kickstarter campaign to fund the next production run of the NES Poly Chiptune Synth has launched. NES Poly Kickstarter Campaign Link

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Kickstarter campaign to fund the next NES Poly production run

Chiptune Synth LLC is planning a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to fund the next production run of the NES Poly Chiptune Synthesizer. The Kickstarter campaign will be launched on Monday, August 10.

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Back in stock!

The NES Poly and NES Mono synths are back in stock.

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Out of stock!

The NES Poly and NES Mono stock has sold out. If you would like to be notified when the synths are back in stock, contact us at the email address posted on the "About us" page.

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